
All client testimonials shared have been published with the written consent of each client.” ~ Nina

“Nina is an absolutely lovely, warm, empathetic and caring therapist. I worked with her for approximately 7 months and very much enjoyed my therapy! She has an innate way of connecting, understanding and ultimately helping you to make sense of the situation that brings you to her in the first place. I cannot recommend her enough and even though I am an adult, I can see how amazing she must be with children, who I know she works with too. If you are looking for a therapist who will engage with you, and not just let you do all the talking, then Nina is the one for you!” ~ Tizzy

“I  came to Nina at a very bad time in my life but through her excellent skills as a counsellor, I was able to move on having rebuilt myself. Nina was enduringly patient and kind, and pushed me to see things and do things differently in ways I had been resisting for years. I can honestly say that Nina and my work with her is a huge part of the reason I am still here and I will be eternally grateful for having such a good counsellor.” ~ Emma

“Nina gave me a huge boost in my self-confidence. Before, I wouldn’t talk as much in class and I wouldn’t talk that much altogether. Since then, I have done a lot of things in school and I am back to being myself.” ~ Adam

“In two sessions, Nina helped my teenage son to understand the problems he was facing. This empowered him to change his thought processes which in turn helped him resolve the issues he had. Nina created a safe space in a relaxing environment where he felt comfortable to explore and find his own resolutions. The counselling has given my son strategies to help cope with future challenges he may have. Nina was guided by us and at no point did we feel pressured to have more sessions than we felt we needed. This was very reassuring as was Nina’s professional manner throughout the whole process.” ~ BD

“Nina taught me to use different mechanisms to cope with my anxiety. I even ended up going to my school prom, something I could not have done before. Thanks Nina.”  ~ James

“My sessions with Nina really helped me through a difficult period. By talking through my issues and providing me with the tools to help build my self-esteem and manage my anxiety, I’ve managed to get to a better place in my life. I now no longer need weekly counselling sessions but feel I always have a place I can go back to if needed.” ~ Diana

“I had a short course of counselling with Nina following a stressful couple of years which culminated in the deaths of both my father-in-law and then father within six months of each other. I needed time to focus on myself and Nina helped me with disentangling various threads in my life and accept that I needed to allow myself some time to come to terms with events. Counselling with Nina was akin to receiving support from a good friend, without having to provide that support back in return or receiving advice or judgement. I am still working through various issues, and will return at some point when I am ready to focus on the next stage.” ~ Louise

“Nina was brilliant and helped me so much when I suddenly got anxiety. Nina is a very calming and trustworthy person and at the same time helps you to see that the issues you may have are not as bad as they seem. I instantly felt comfortable around Nina. I felt I could talk to her about anything and that really helped me. She taught me coping mechanisms and helped me to start sleeping properly again with advice on what to use. And when I couldn’t even leave my house for a whole month because every time I thought of leaving my house I felt sick, she got me back out of my house, she would take me out taking bigger steps each time and would keep my mind occupied while out. I could never thank Nina enough for her help.” ~ Luisa

“I’d always been quite dubious about counselling and never understood why people couldn’t figure things out themselves but when I found myself making bad decisions and feeling really low, I knew I needed some support. Nina was great. She’s direct yet warm, supportive all the while giving you tools to feel more empowered. I figured out, with Nina’s support, where my issues arose and how I could best tackle them. I identified my anxiety triggers and traits so that I can better manage them. I came away after 9 sessions with Nina, understanding that I have my limits too, that not everything is my responsibility, that I need to learn to love myself more, seeing myself in a better light even though I make mistakes and bad decisions. The key thing for me was that I never felt that Nina just wanted me to keep coming forever, she wanted to help me to not need her. ” ~ Suzie

“I went to see Nina shortly after the birth of my second as I felt I was struggling with anger and emotions. She really helped me to put everything in perspective and gave some practical and emotional strategies to better manage how I was feeling. In just a few sessions, I felt I really turned a corner. Sometimes you just need to see things from another point of view and Nina really helped me do that. I’ve since recommended her to people close to me and she’s been able to help them too. ” ~ Ross

“I went to Nina as I had a very hard situation I was going through. Going to her helped me get through that difficult situation and helped me to understand as to why it may have happened. Nina is very easy to talk to and made me feel very comfortable to say anything that was on my mind. She provided me with many ways to try and distract myself from the situation such as creating ‘The Well’ which I still use today and it has helped me incredibly. I could never thank Nina enough for what she has done for me.” ~ Sophia

“I call Nina ‘The Magician’ as she always performs magic on me!!  I am much calmer after our chat and have so far spent minimum time worrying, compared to the out of control negative thoughts that I was allowing myself to have over the last year.  I will work on my positives and may see Nina again if anything changes in the future. I would not hesitate to recommend Nina to anyone who needs help during a difficult time!” ~ Stella

I needed help with processing a series of negative events in my life & I found Nina’s website online. As I had never gone to counselling before, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but Nina was reassuring & helped me from the first session. She didn’t only help me get over some trauma but we also discovered strategies to handle other problems I was struggling with. She gave me the tools & the confidence to improve almost every aspect of my life from the relationship with my family to building my self-esteem & my career. I would highly recommend her services.” ~ Sandor

“Nina provided a friendly yet professional service to me, at a difficult transition in my life. She provided me with a kind, approachable & safe space to share highly emotive topics. She remained professional & balanced throughout my sessions & we built rapport quickly. She supported me using many different models of counselling/therapy which benefitted my individual needs well. It was helpful to be provided with weekly tasks & printed resources to help consolidate & reflect on topics of discussion from within our sessions. She was honest & discharged me at a point when I had achieved my goals & did not take on new topics/areas of exploration without my consent which I believe shows her integrity & humanity. I would highly recommend Nina. Thank you for your support with my issues. You helped increase my confidence & supported me well in arriving at some complex & challenging decisions about my life & wellbeing. It’s just a shame coronavirus has prevented all those choices from taking place!” ~ Elizabeth

“Came to see Nina, with no real expectations. I just knew I needed help of some kind. It didn’t take long before sessions with Nina became a safe space, where I could share my most anxious thoughts without judgement. Technically speaking she sends resources outside of the session or recommends appropriate books for further understanding. Personally, she’s super friendly, empathetic and cognisant of how it may feel being sat opposite a therapist fully aware that you’re so far from perfect. Nina was really helpful during a difficult time and continued to be that after helping me navigate through it…I couldn’t fathom having a different therapist.” ~ Beverley

“I saw Nina on and off for around 12 months. During this time I would have moments of being ok but also moments feeling very low. It was in those low moments that Nina really excelled in her profession, always being able to get me back to that rational level of thinking that was required for me to overcome my issues. My time with Nina will always be an invaluable experience that I won’t ever forget. Thank you Nina.” 🙂 ~ Steve

“Nina is a highly skilled counsellor who offers a safe, non-judgmental and supportive space in which one immediately feels welcome. I was limp with grief when I arrived for the first session. Nina carried me through the months with an abundance of patience and compassion which allowed me to slowly come to terms with my tragic loss. I shall always be greatly indebted to her for helping me to regain strength and resilience which I had lost in trauma.” ~ Mary

“Nina is an excellent counsellor with years of experience. I felt very safe in her company and found the process of working together helpful. I haven’t always felt comfortable being open about my emotions, but I found in the session together I was able to open up and be honest about my feelings.” ~ Alex

“Nina has helped me through a difficult time in my life and also helped me to understand many of my past behaviors and negative patterns I had developed to date. I have left feeling more confident and empowered knowing that I have the tools I need to move forward in my life and change my ways of thinking. I will always be grateful for this.” ~ Elsa

“Nina is a great counsellor, who will always try to arrange a session in a time that suits you. She is very approachable and does not make you feel judged. She is very open about her own flaws which makes it very easy to connect with her. I enjoyed our sessions very much as they were at the same time serious and meaningful but also light and cheerful. Nina was also very honest when she did not think she could help me anymore, which in one way helped me realise that counselling can only do so much. I would highly recommend Nina to anyone who needs counselling.” ~ CH

“Nina has been a saviour to both my daughter’s and my mental health. She has been able to pick up on areas that as parents we would not even think about. She has found ways to get through to my child that we could not. My stress levels are a lot less than it used to be due to her intervention. The pace is up to you and the timing of the sessions was just perfect as this did not interrupt our normal working days, and is suited to your needs (weekly/fortnightly/monthly). There is no doubt in my mind that Nina is just such a comfortable person to chat with. I would definitely recommend her to anyone with stress/mental health issues.” ~ KP

“I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to look after our family business and my children. Nina made some interior changes to my life. I am more confident and happy now.” ~ CS

“It was important for me to find a counsellor who offered me a sense of safety and comfort, but who could also challenge me and offer me honest feedback in order to work through issues. Nina was really flexible in offering sessions that suited my needs and gave me the space I needed to process feelings, reflect on relationship dynamics, and to move through the hurt and pain of a marriage ending. She approached my situation with compassion and understanding and helped me to identify areas where I needed additional support.” ~ DTN

“Nina is a lovely person and makes you feel at ease instantly. She is an extremely able and professional practitioner and I found speaking with Nina to be particularly helpful in a short space of time. My issues were constructively and gently put into perspective.”  ~ W J Garry

“I think you were amazing & gave me very good suggestions.” ~ Robyn

“As a parent, I know that you have helped my child immensely. Thank you so much!” ~ Mrs Mahoney

“I started seeing Nina after recommendation. I had never had counselling before and I was extremely nervous but I knew that I needed to do something to help myself as I was in a bit of a hole and needed help getting out. Nina made me feel at ease from the first session, and over the course of my sessions gave me useful advice & insight of ‘myself’ really, helping me to recognise different ways to address the issues I was having and how to manage myself in the best way. I never felt judged in any way and I always felt that she was really listening and understanding me. After just 6 sessions, I felt lifted and more able to cope with things. If I feel myself slipping in the future, I will be back without hesitation! Thank you Nina.” ~ TR

“Nina is warm, kind, and respectful. She provides an accepting, safe and non-judgmental space where explorations are deepened by her excellent memory and thoughtful questions. I’ve benefited tremendously from working together during the past 10 months. I’ve had self-doubts and low confidence, but during sessions I’ve felt listened to, held, and understood. I’ve learned so much about myself and felt completely safe speaking about painful subjects. I will always be grateful for this experience and the opportunity to grow.” ~ Robert D

“Nina is caring, compassionate and an experienced counsellor who provides a service that enables one to be heard and feel valued.” ~ Pearl Shang-Simpson

“Nina gave my teenage daughter an outlet to talk about her worries and anxieties in a caring and supportive environment. She made all the family feel welcome and involved. My daughter opened up to Nina in the first session and thought she was kind, non-judgmental and caring. Nina also kept me informed as to the process and worked with my daughter to help her discuss what she felt she needed. The practical skills that Nina teaches has helped to equip my daughter with coping mechanisms going forward.” ~ Helen

Nina helped me overcome my insecurities and low self-esteem. She provided a safe environment to allow me to comfortably talk about my feelings. I never felt rushed throughout the process and could always go at my own pace.~ AM

“The sessions we had were a major contributor to where I am today and I can’t thank you enough. At times I just felt like I was going to have to live the rest of my life with it being a major part of my personality, and now some days I find it even hard to associate myself with someone who suffers from mental health because it’s improved that much. I have taken up singing lessons again and started up an 11 aside team that I am really enjoying working with. Work is busy and at times stressful but I feel I am dealing with it how someone should and not just regressing to an anxious/depressed state.” ~ M

“Nina offered me a supportive, engaging and collaborative supervision space that really helped me grow my confidence as a trainee counsellor. She always remained grounded, non-judgmental and curious about the wide range of topics I brought to supervision. Nothing I said ever seemed to phase her even when I spoke about uncomfortable feelings/difficult topics. I couldn’t ask for more from a supervision space, thank you!” ~ …Michael Jackson

“The two sessions I had with Nina helped me understand my issues and anxiety, understand my partners needs and helped our relationship move forward. I would recommend anyone to get help from Nina.” ~ Barry

“Nina is kind, empathic, calm and genuine. As a parent I felt totally relaxed knowing that my child was in ‘good hands’. Nina is experienced, knowledgeable and kind. She respected my child’s confidentiality and at the same time was able to hold my needs and concerns in mind. My child looked forward to going to her sessions. Thank you also for all your practical support.” ~ Aretta

I came to see Nina, after I had an issue with my employer and work related stress. I just knew I needed help of some kind. It didn’t take long before sessions with Nina became a safe space, where I could share my most thoughts freely without fear. Nina was really helpful during a difficult time and continued to be that after helping me navigate through it. I had some help and support from her during sessions. Personally, I would recommend her to my friends and family if they have any sort of issues of stress.” ~ Ahilanathan

Nina is very warm and welcoming and made my daughter, and the family, feel at ease straight away. Even though original sessions were for my daughter, Nina’s suggestion of having a few family sessions were really helpful in finding a way forward in trying to support our daughter. She offered us some practical and helpful solutions. During a few crisis points, she made herself available for calls at short notice and changed timings of face-to-face meetings so that my daughter could attend sessions whilst working which was so supportive. Thank you.~ B Logan

“Nina created a safe space for me to feel heard and be seen. We worked together for nearly two years, during which I faced a lot of challenges and stress. I looked forward to my sessions with Nina as they provided me with a weekly outlet and provided a release. I am thankful to have had Nina’s support during the past two years and have developed in confidence as a result of our sessions. Nina is warm, empathic and compassionate.” ~ Karise

“Nina made me feel safe and supported whilst I trained to become a Counsellor. This in turn helped me to grow in confidence as I moved from trainee to qualified. I would really recommend Nina as a Supervisor and look forward to working with her again in the future. Thank you Nina!” ~ Katharine

“Nina was excellent – she would suggest many good techniques and give wise perspectives and lots of food for thought. You would come out of each session both with a sense of release and various things to work on.  She would often link her examples to your interests. Booking was very easy and a wide variety of times are available.” ~ Charlotte

“Dear Nina, I appreciate the support, encouragement, and the space you’ve offered me to break down, process, and organise my thoughts. The pace of the sessions were varied, especially, I enjoyed the ones which moved more slowly, allowing for more in-depth discussions and opportunities to delve deeper into specific topics. Thank you very much for everything.” ~ Priya

My partner and I went to see Nina following a difficult period in our relationship. From the beginning Nina put us at ease and made a difficult process easier. We had a short series of sessions which has enabled us to get to a better place. Nina made us focus on what we really needed to focus on. And even now weeks later Nina’s advice and words still resonate with us.~ CK

“Nina has a warm, easy manner, enabling us to feel safe and held within our sessions with her. I have never previously had counselling and am not usually comfortable talking about my feelings, however, Nina’s non-judgemental and genuine approach (as well as her excellent recall!) allowed me to relax and feel able to speak openly. Nina is a skilled and knowledgeable counsellor, whom I would recommend to others seeking couple’s counselling.” ~ AD

“Nina has been a thoughtful and kind counsellor who has provided me with support and encouragement.  She has helped me face some difficult issues and ensured that I have felt safe whilst doing so. I liked that Nina does not just tell you what you want to hear but challenges gently and provides different ways of looking at things. She has helped me develop more self-awareness and a better understanding of what strengths I have.  Working with her has been a great benefit.” ~ SB

“Working with Nina enabled us to explore, in a safe environment, a number of themes, topics, behaviours and narratives which have been causing tension and conflict in our family and which we have been unable to resolve.  I feel that we now have much better and deeper insights to enable us to deal with family tensions and conflicts in a constructive and safe way.” ~ BT